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@ Home Prep - a division of Stautzenberger College
360water, Inc.
A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.
Absolution Water
Affordable Operator Resource Company
Alliance for PE Pipe
Altitude Training Associates
American AVK Company
AMERICAN Flow Control
American Ground Water Trust (AGWT)
American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA)
American Public Health Association (APHA)
American Red Cross
American Water College
American Water College
American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Anfeald, LLC
Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District
Association of Boards of Certification (ABC)
Association of Materials Protection and Performation
At Your Pace Online
Automation Training (AT)
Back Municipal Consulting
Backflow Consulting and Training
Bai Engineers
Balance Bio
Beabout Brock Easley
Benjamin Bussard
Bismarck State College National Energy Center of Excellence (NECE)
Blue Earth Products
Boulder CPR & First Aid
British Standards Institution (BSI Group)
Brown and Caldwell
Browns Hill Engineering & Controls
Bush Compliance Solutions, LLC
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Canyon Systems, Inc.
Carman Sealing Technology
Carollo Engineers
Carollo Engineers
Carollo Engineers
Carollo Engineers, Inc.
Carter Consulting LLC
Cascade Energy
CDM Smith
CDPHE Water Quality Control Division - Local Assistance Unit
Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education (CUIRE)
Central New Mexico Community College CNM Workforce Training Center
Centura Health
CEU Plan
Chatfield State Park
Cherokee Metropolitan District
Cindy Goodburn Consulting, LLC
Cintas First Aid & Safety
City of Arvada
City of Aurora
City of Aurora
City of Black Hawk
City of Boulder
City of Boulder
City of Boulder
City of Brighton
City of Delta
City of Englewood
City of Fort Collins
City of Fort Collins
City of Fountain Water Department
City of Glenwood Springs Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (RWWTF)
City of Golden
City of Golden
City of Greeley
city of lafayette
City of Longmont
City of Loveland
City of Northglenn
City of Pueblo
City of Thornton
City of Westminster
Climax Mine
Clow valve co
CO Dept. of Public Health and Environment
Colorado Certified Water Professional Program
Colorado Damage Prevention Action Team
Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership (CEPP)
Colorado Environmental Certification and Training, Incorporated (CECTI)
Colorado Industrial Pretreatment Coordinators Association
Colorado Lake and Reservoir Management Association (CLRMA)
Colorado Rural Water Association (CRWA)
Colorado Safety Association
Colorado Safety Supply Company
Colorado Special District Property and Liabil
Colorado Special District Property and liabil
Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Water Congress
Colorado Water Conservation Board
Cook Training Co.
CPW - Chatfield State Park
CUES, Inc.
CWA Consulting Services, LLC
Dana Kepner Company
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
David H. Paul, Inc.
Dawson Infrastructure Solutions
Denver Water
Dewcon, Inc.
Direct Discharge Consulting
Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association
Eagle River Water & Sanitation District
Eagle River Water & Sanitation District
East Cherry Creek Valley W&SD
Emily Griffith Technical College
Environmental Biotech Intl, LLC
Environmental Business Specialists, LLC
Environmental Finance Center (EFC)
Environmental Finance Center Network
EPA Region 8
Esch Construction Supply, Inc
Essential Safety Products
Evoqua Water Technologies LLC
E-Water Consulting
Fairmount Fire Protection District
Falcon Environmental Corporation
Faris Machinery
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FIAlab Instruments, Inc.
Finish Line Systems, LLC
Forest Lakes Metropolitan District
Fort Collins Utilities WEFS
Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility
Garver, LLC
Global Water Systems
Gobbell Hays Partners, Inc.
Grand County Operators Association
Grand Junction
Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District
Hach Company
Hazen and Sawyer
HDR Engineering
High Angle Technologies
Horsley Witten Group
Hutchins Water Center at Colorado Mesa University
Hydro International
Illinois State Water Survey
Indian Health Service
Indigo Water Group
Innovations in Training
Innovative Water Technologies
Instrument & Supply WEST, Inc. (isiWEST)
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA)
Isle, Inc.
IW Consulting Service, LLC
JDA Waterworks
Joint Committees of RMSAWWA and RMWEA
Justin Moore
KCM Consulting Services, LLC
Kennedy Jenks
Kinser Membrane Solutions
Leonard Rice Engineers
Leprino Foods, Inc
Lisa Denke Consulting
LMK Technologies
Local Government Academy
Maguire Iron
Martin Technical, Inc.
McWane Ductile
Metro Water Recovery
Midwest Assistance Program (MAP)
Montrose Memorial Hospital
Montrose Regional Health
Morrison Backflow Education and Training
Mueller Company
MWH Americas
Nagi Luta Enterprises, LLC
Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company
National Association of Wastewater Technician
National Technology Transfer
National Technology Transfer;inc, NTT;Inc
National Water Products and Services Association
Navarro Research and Engineering
Neverest Equipment Company
Neverest Safety Courses
New Elk Coal Company
Nezat Training and Consulting, Inc.
North American Society for Trenchless Technology - Rocky Mountain Chapter
North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation District
North Washington Street Water and Sanitation District
OCT Water Quality Academy
Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento
ORC Water Professionals
OTT Hydromet
Oxenford Consulting/ RCAP
Pall Water
Paradigm Liaison Services
Parker Water & Sanitation District
Partnership for Safe Water
PAX Water Technologies
Peter T Nathanson Engineering Training and Technical Assistance
Pikes Peak Community College
Pinyon Environmental
Pipestone Equipment
Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority
Pryor Learning Solutions
Pueblo Community College
Pueblo Water
Ramey Environmental Compliance
Red Rocks Community College
Region 8 Pretreatment Association (R8PA)
RepMasters, Inc.
RH Borden and Company
RJN Group, Inc.
Rocky Mountain CPR and First Aid
Rocky Mountain PAS
Rocky Mountain Section American Water Works Association
Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association (RMWEA)
Rocky Mountain Water Quality Analysts Associa
Rocky Mountain Water Quality Analysts Association Scholarship (RMWQAA)
Rocky Mountain Water Solutions
Rubicon Environmental Services
Rural Community Assistance Corp (RCAC)
Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP)
Safety Services
Safety, Inc.
SafeWater EDU
SDF Communications
SEMS Technologies
Senke Environmental and Technical
SGM - Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc.
Shane Palmer
Shores Technical Services Inc.
Smith & Loveless
Smith & Loveless, Inc.
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
SOS Technologies
Source One Environmental (S1E)
South Adams County Water and Sanitation District
South Platte Renew (SPR)
Southwest Environmental Finance Center
Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SWEFC)
Southwest Membrane Operator Association (SWMOA)
Special District Association of Colorado (SDA)
Specific Energy
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Cooperative
Star Pipe PRoducts
Suez Water Technologies and Solutions Analytical Instruments
SWAN Analytical USA
Technical Learning College
Tetra Tech
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
Texas Section AWWA
Thatcher Company
The Ken Blanchard Companies
The OSHA Connection
The Water Research Foundation
Torq Engineering LLC
Town of Castle Rock
Town of Minturn
Town of Windsor
TPC Training
Training Today
Trench Shoring Services
Tri-County Water Conservancy District
Triplepoint Environmental
Triplepoint Environmental
TW Summit Corporation
Tyson Foods, Inc.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United Rentals Trench Safety
United Rentals Trench Safety
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Florida
University of Florida Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations (UF TREEO)
University of Florida TREEO Center
Upper Thompson Sanitation District
Urban Watersheds Research Institute
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Ute Water Conservancy District
Ute Water Conservancy District
Utility Service Group
Vector Solutions
Vista Industry Products
Wastewater Microbiology Solutions
Water Center at Colorado Mesa University
Water Control Corporation
Water Environment Federation (WEF)
Water Information Program (WIP)
Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC)
Water Operator Education
Water Otter
Water Technology Group
Water University
WaterWisePro Training LLC
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District
Instructor name(s) and ID(s):
Adam Sharman(409)
Adam Johnsen(240)
Adam Redding(256)
adam foss(594)
Adolfo Zepeda(537)
Adolfo Zepeda(538)
Akram Botrous(570)
Alan Pike(578)
Alan Platt(255)
Alex Rossmann(348)
Alex Rossmann(350)
Alfredo Lagos(559)
Amber Roberts(249)
Amy Foust(12)
Amy Foust(328)
Amy Mueller(429)
Andrew Troccoli(390)
Andrew Southard(283)
Andrew Callaghan(568)
Andrew Sartorio(585)
Angela Green(518)
Anjelica McMahon(566)
Anthony Beazer(414)
Arjen DeHoop(534)
Armando Herald(233)
Artem Zislis(422)
Ashley Pifer(398)
Austin Drake(467)
AWWA Technical Staff(331)
Ben Goecke(253)
Benjamin Emerson(355)
Benjamin Shakman(449)
Benjamine Bernal(367)
Beth Wyatt(369)
Bill Birdwell(323)
Bill Lease(320)
Bobbi Winterowd(322)
Brad Johnson(530)
Brad McClintock(502)
Braden O'Leary(353)
Brian O'Malley(333)
Brian Hedgecock(402)
Brian Breault(309)
Brian Carfield(326)
Brian Beaudette(447)
Britlandt Abney(561)
Brittany Burch(401)
Bruce McDaniel(577)
Bruce Bevirt(287)
Bryan Easterly(304)
Calvin Van Zee(251)
Calvin Woods, RN, MSN, CCRN, CEN(406)
Cameron Burden(551)
Cameron Burden(552)
Casey Hancock(425)
Charlene Kormondy(515)
Charles Bromley(548)
Charles Moore(440)
Charles Drewry(254)
Chase Stearnes(482)
Chelsea Campbell(151)
Chloe Lopez-Jauffret(514)
Chris Scaggiari(565)
CJ Strain(532)
Clayton Brown(381)
Cody Charnas(372)
Cody Lockyer(416)
Cole Sigmon(371)
Cole Niblett(384)
Cole Dutton(553)
Combined List of Instructors(507)
Cooper Nicholas(492)
Corey Williams(523)
Correspondence Course(455)
Craig Thomas(329)
Craig Fisher(276)
Curt Baranowski(560)
Curtis Harris(441)
Curtis Mitchell(448)
CWLI Program(300)
Dale Walls(338)
Dan Jawrski(250)
Dan Haptonstall(244)
Dane Wilson(569)
Daniel Paul(586)
Daniel Hoglund(533)
Daniel Morrison(557)
Daniel Theisen(327)
Daniel Siebert(435)
David Payne(315)
David Reckhow(343)
David Buchwald(451)
David Pernitsky(546)
David Pier(268)
David Pyle(307)
David Faustino(415)
Default Instructor(481)
DefaultInstructor Provider318(489)
DefaultInstructor Provider190(438)
DefaultInstructor Provider71(13)
DefaultInstructor Provider14(14)
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DefaultInstructor Provider40(41)
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DefaultInstructor Provider89(88)
DefaultInstructor Provider180(89)
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DefaultInstructor Provider100(100)
DefaultInstructor Provider101(101)
DefaultInstructor Provider152(152)
DefaultInstructor Provider153(153)
DefaultInstructor Provider154(154)
DefaultInstructor Provider155(219)
DefaultInstructor Provider76(221)
DefaultInstructor Provider189(222)
DefaultInstructor Provider80(223)
DefaultInstructor Provider139(140)
DefaultInstructor Provider141(141)
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DefaultInstructor Provider143(143)
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DefaultInstructor Provider146(146)
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DefaultInstructor Provider150(149)
DefaultInstructor Provider161(150)
DefaultInstructor Provider200(192)
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DefaultInstructor Provider170(212)
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DefaultInstructor Provider25(214)
DefaultInstructor Provider195(215)
DefaultInstructor Provider140(216)
DefaultInstructor Provider186(217)
DefaultInstructor Provider1(1)
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DefaultInstructor Provider75(75)
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DefaultInstructor Provider171(168)
DefaultInstructor Provider172(169)
DefaultInstructor Provider173(170)
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DefaultInstructor Provider175(172)
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DefaultInstructor Provider177(174)
DefaultInstructor Provider178(175)
DefaultInstructor Provider179(176)
DefaultInstructor Provider181(177)
DefaultInstructor Provider182(178)
DefaultInstructor Provider183(179)
DefaultInstructor Provider185(181)
DefaultInstructor Provider187(182)
DefaultInstructor Provider188(183)
DefaultInstructor Provider190(184)
DefaultInstructor Provider191(185)
DefaultInstructor Provider192(186)
DefaultInstructor Provider193(187)
DefaultInstructor Provider194(188)
DefaultInstructor Provider196(189)
DefaultInstructor Provider197(190)
Diana Hernandez(361)
Dr. Ramzi Mahmood(505)
Dustin Molloy(465)
Ed Gilmore(382)
Eddy Balch(236)
Eli Townsend(258)
Elisabeth Smith(471)
Eliza Fink(567)
Eric Partenheimer(360)
Eric Dole(393)
Eric Dole(245)
Eric Hafford(237)
Erik Monahan(499)
ERWSD Admin(74)
Evelyn Rhodes(394)
Ezara Sauter Baca(599)
Fred Bloetscher(330)
Gabrielle Begeman(139)
Gary Martinez Jr(420)
Gary Edwards(423)
Gary Denny(545)
Gemma Kite, P.E.(337)
Gerardo Torres(419)
Gregg McLeod(400)
Gregory Stonecipher(454)
Gregory Starlin(260)
Harry Elliott(392)
Heather Himmelberger(510)
Heidi Bauer(35)
Ikram Sayed(373)
Ilkka Lahdesmaki(540)
Ilkka Lahdesmaki(541)
Ivan Porto-Siurano(248)
Jack Moyer(336)
Jacqueline Rhoades(370)
Jake Warner(319)
James DeHerrera(292)
James Powers(469)
James Markham(528)
James DePew(413)
James Eynouf(301)
James Markham(239)
James Markham(76)
Jane Operator(241)
Jason Grothe(424)
Jason Jamison(362)
Jason Coontz(303)
Jean Waters(535)
Jeff Severin(509)
Jeff Derry(313)
Jeff Zidek(344)
Jeff Oxenford(231)
Jeffrey Maier(479)
Jenni Lansing(539)
Jeremy Beard(550)
Jeremy Clayton(280)
Jerry Durham(282)
Jesse Carson(573)
Jessica Habashy(580)
Jessica Habashy(581)
Jessica Habashy(582)
Jessica Habashy(583)
Jessica Morgan(498)
Jill Miles(457)
Jim Stepahin(363)
Jim Ottinger(576)
Joan Rose Stepleton(349)
Joe Kerschner(388)
Joe Cox(463)
Joel Sholtes(311)
Joel Gallier(562)
Joel Pauling(486)
Joey Clemmons(572)
John Hitchcock(592)
John Walker(480)
John Tedder(461)
John Rosenblum(444)
John Dunty(446)
Jon Thomas(458)
Jon Downey(536)
Jonathan Jantz(584)
Jonathan Serviss(316)
Josh Lindsey(246)
Josh Barkley(501)
Josh Blount (270)
Joshua Baile(277)
Julie Hartwig(345)
Julie Hartwig(491)
Julio Reyes(428)
June Ritchie(404)
Justin Moore(564)
Justin Cheek(597)
Kailey Will(430)
Karen Main(284)
Kari Sholtes(314)
Karla Kinser(543)
Kate Sawyer(466)
Kate Cook(224)
Kathleen Duke(464)
Kathy Cox(265)
Keith Niblett(531)
Kelly Fearney(378)
Ken Loucks(272)
Ken Grimm(257)
Kevin Keller(417)
Kevin Amann(308)
Kimberly Reeder(426)
Kira Witwer(145)
Kirk Skogen(293)
Kris Graham Provider199(191)
Kristin Libberton(324)
Kristina Brownlee(332)
Kwin Peterson(500)
kyle brown(474)
kyle brown(475)
Kyle Kruger(399)
Kyra Gregory(347)
Larisa Oringdulph(247)
Larisa Oringdulph(389)
Laureen Sullivan(433)
Lauren Worley(603)
Leah Cribari(266)
Leanne Miller(274)
LeRoy Frost(445)
LeRoy Frost(439)
Linda Warren(335)
Maelle Limouzin(590)
Maher Lugo Rodriguez(269)
Malvin "Rusty" Nezat(317)
Marc Tamburro(291)
Mark Hermundstad(312)
Mark Valentine(437)
Mark McCaslin(544)
Mark Foxworthy(432)
Marvin Kanski(408)
Mason Cook(226)
Mason Cook(230)
Matt Geary(358)
matthew mcfadden(271)
Matthew Creasey(555)
Matthew Zoccali(525)
Meagan Lundgren(517)
Megan Kelley(462)
Melissa Grove(487)
Mercy Umeri(508)
Michael Rae(476)
Michael Alvidrez(483)
Michael O'Dwyer(321)
Michael Spector(468)
Michael Watts(375)
Michael Frasier(407)
Michael Theodorakos(386)
Michael Bacon(232)
Michaela Votta(396)
Michelle DeHaven(511)
Michelle Peters(547)
Mikayla Graves(288)
Mike Gavin(554)
Mike Bernard(495)
Mike Warner(600)
MLB Instructor(225)
Nancy Horan(227)
Niall Stewart(506)
Nicholas Willis(488)
Nicholas Martinez(526)
Nicholas Griffin(493)
Nick Martinez(558)
Nicole Blute(472)
Osvaldo Torres (542)
Patrick Lynch(512)
Patrick Hill(352)
Patrick Paranto(596)
Paul Booth(252)
Pedro Gonzalez(295)
Peter Sharp(443)
Peter Dyke(503)
peter nathanson(522)
Phil Brandhuber, PhD(340)
Phillip Van Dunk(294)
Rachel Himyak(391)
Rachelle Abbott(281)
Randy McIntyre(380)
Ray Olson(325)
Raymond Serrano(410)
Reuben Frank(318)
Rex Valdivieso(593)
Rich Perse(306)
Rich Carter(234)
Richard Dolly(484)
Rick Childress(529)
Rick Allen(285)
Rick Huggins(376)
Rick Plocinski(364)
Robert Capehart(264)
Robert Stuart(261)
Robert Templeman (587)
Robert Lopez(563)
Robert Funk (242)
Robert Pohl(305)
Robin Smith-Chapman(262)
Rocky Mountain Section AWWA(155)
Rod Collum(365)
Rodney Neumayer(290)
Roger Holder(575)
Roger Tchyananga(588)
Ronald Trygar(387)
Ronald Schuyler(494)
Ryan Johnson(418)
Samuel Zrust(527)
Sarah Diefendorf(473)
Scott Smits(598)
Scott Foreman(453)
Scott Olson(273)
Sean Cleary(427)
Sean Scuras(397)
Seirra Potter(520)
Serenity Valdez(275)
Seth Davis(485)
Shannon Pepper(524)
Shawn Spromberg(579)
Shea Bogardus Bogardus(602)
Shelley Trujillo(549)
Sherry Scaggiari(238)
Sidney Innerebner(102)
Stan Toal(267)
Stanley States(431)
Steve Brown(470)
Steve Roberts(403)
Steve Harris(379)
Steve Harris(334)
Steve Via(339)
Steve Folle(356)
Steve Wilson(504)
Steven Hernandez(442)
Steven Gonzales(310)
STU Asay(107)
Super Extraordinaire(229)
Susan Oster(571)
Tami Royer(279)
Taner Durusu(228)
Tatiana Chapman(357)
Test test(297)
Test test(298)
Test test(299)
Thomas Valenta(235)
Thomas Withers(278)
Thomas Riotte(595)
Thomas Allacher(296)
Tim Back(263)
Tim Rynders(456)
Tim Schneider (589)
Tom Noble(497)
Tom Daugherty(490)
Tom Daugherty(354)
Tommy Christian(459)
Tommy Christian(460)
Toni Glymph-Martin(395)
Travis Scurlock(351)
Ty Leydig(434)
Tyler Darnell(421)
Tyler Dougherty(516)
Tyson Ingels(341)
Vanessa Roy(519)
Victor Hernandez(366)
Victoria Keevak(411)
Vijal Pancholi(556)
Walter Provider35(218)
Warren King(452)
Wayne Ward(478)
Wes Cardwell(385)
Will Keefer(496)
William Caldwell(574)
WQCD-Instructor WQCD_LAU(57)
Wuillian Pineda (591)
Xuehua Bai(259)
Zachary Bowman(412)
Zaid Chowdhury(383)
Year for Which Approved:
Select Approval Term
Scheduled course offering begins between
Min Cost($):
Max Cost($):
Delivery Method:
Select Course Delivery Method
Online and Correspondence
Geographic area served:
Select Course Geographic Area
Denver Metro
I-25 Corridor
Western Slope
Difficulty level:
Select Course Level
All Audiences
TU Earning Potential:
Select Course Category
Max TUs
Water Treatment
Water Distribution
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater Collection
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
On demand/by request:
Activated carbon treatment
Activated sludge
Anaerobic pre-treatment
Assess system demand
Assess water quality
Asset management
Backflow prevention devices (General Non Certification)
Belt presses
Biological nitrogen removal
Biological phosphorus removal
Boring equipment
Bucket machine
Carcinogens removal
Cathodic protection systems
Chemical addition
Chemical feeders
Chemical handling
Chemical nitrogen removal
Chlorine demand
Chlorine residual
Clean water act
Clear well
Colorado Operators Certification Regulation - Regulation No. 100
Confined space entry
Corrosion control
Cross connection surveys
Cross-connections control ( NON CERTIFICATION)
Cross Connection/Backflow Control Certification 40 hr. = 0.4 TU
Cross Connection/Backflow Control recertification 20 hr. = 0.2 TU
Diatomaceous earth filters
Discharge monitoring report (DMR)
Drinking Water Regulations
Dye testing
Energy Awareness, Management & Sustainability
Ethics and Professionalism
Facility inspection
Fats, oils, and grease
First Aid/CPR
Fixed-film reactors
Flocculation tanks
Flow equalization
Flushing program (cleaning)
Force mains (clean with pig)
General Management Courses
Granular activated carbon
Gravity sewers
Grit removal
Hand and power tools
Heat exchangers
High-velocity cleaners
Hydraulic cleaning
Hydraulic equipment
IFAS (Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge)
Inorganic chemicals
Intake structure
Ion exchange
Iron and manganese sequestration/removal
Leak detection
Lift stations
Lime-soda softening
Mandrel testing
Manhole/vault assessment
Mechanical dewatering
Membrane treatment
Odor control
Oil/sand separators
Oxidation ditches
Packed tower aeration
pH adjustment
Phosphorus removal
Pipe/valve locators
Pipeline assessment
Pipeline rehabilitation/trenchless technology
Ponds and lagoons
Pressure sewers (S.T.E.P.)/Force mains
Pressure testing
Primary treatment
RBC- Rotating Biological Contactors
RCRA Hazardous Wastes/Otherwise regulated
Rapid mix units
Read blueprints, readings, and maps
Reverse osmosis, electrodialysis and other membrane filtration
Rodders, etc.
Sample site plan
Sanitary surveys
Screening equipment
Sexual harassment
Size mains
Sludge treatment
Small Sytem Management
Smoke testing
Spill response
Storm Water
Stream standards
Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials TNORM
Thrust blocks
Treated water storage
Trenching and shoring
Trickling filters
Ultraviolet irradiation
Up-flow solids-contact clarification
Utility Management
Vacuum sewers
Vacuum testing
Vibration analysis
Wastewater Permit Compliance
Wastewater Treatment
Water Conservation
Water mains
Water storage
Watershed Regulations
Well inspection
Wet wells
Distribution System Operations
Collection System Operations
Regulation training for certification (MRT)- Water/Distribution
Regulation training for certification (MRT)- Wastewater/Collection
Drinking Water Treatment
Hydraulics (pressure, head, velocity, etc)
Reuse/Reclaimed Water
Direct Potable Reuse
Administrative-Related Topics
Emergency Preparedness and Security Topics
Safety- Related Topics (all)
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Instrumentation and Measurement Devices (SCADA, flow meters, sensors, gauges, etc)
Drives (motors, engines, pneumatic tanks, and VFDs)
Taps and tapping equipment
Blowers, compressors and pneumatic equipment
Fittings/ piping/ joints
Algae control - drinking water reservoirs
Algae control - lagoons
Biosolids regulations
Booster pump stations
Copper sulfate treatment - drinking water reservoirs
Copper sulfate treatment- wastewater lagoons
Disinfection By-products Rule
Heavy equipment operations
Industrial Solids Disposal Regulations
Lead and Copper Revised Rule
Pipes, select types - distribution systems
Service connections - distribution systems
Service connections - collection systems
Solids treatment and handling - wastewater
Solids treatment and handling - water
System layout/design - Collection systems
System layout/design - Distribution systems
System layout/design - Wastewater systems
System layout/design - Water systems
Electrical Components and Testing (not electrical safety)
Laboratory sampling and testing
Source water evaluation and characteristics
Additional Course Approvals:
Approved for regulatory water training
Approved for regulatory wastewater training
Approved as substitution for high school diploma/general education
Approved as substitution for entry-level operating experience
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